This is how the neck and lumbar support work T T TTT T h hhhh h e e iiii S ssss t S re iiii t ssss r s e l hhhh e s s oooo s s l ® e wwww s u s n tttt ® i hhhh q u u eeee e ni P nnnn q lu eeee u s e cccc ™ kkkk P sy l aaaa s u t s e nnnn ™ m dddd p s llll r y uuuu o s v mmmm t id e e m bbbb s aaaa s p y rrrr n o c ssss h v uuuu r i o d pppp n e i pppp s se oooo s d y rrrr a n tttt d c j wwww u h s r oooo t o m rrrr n e kkkk i n s t e o d f t a h d e justment TTTnn o hhhee f eeecc t kkSSS h aattt e rrrnneeedd n ssssss e llllluueee c mmsss k sssbb ®®® a aa n uuurr d nnnssuuiiiqqq l pp u uuupp m eeeooPPP b rrttlll a uuuww r ssshh ™™™ s eesss u nnyyy p sssyy p tttooeee o uummm r cc t ppphh w rrraaooonn h vvvggiii e dddee n eeeyysssoo y sssuu o yyyrr u nnnsscccee c hhhaa h rrrttooo a iinnnn n ggiiisss g eeepp e dddoo y ssaaaii o ttdddii u oojjjuuu r nnsss. s tttmmm ea eeennn ti ttt n ooo g fff ttt p hhh o eee sition. WfwnWfwWfwnWfwrr W s ls iiiieellll i eehhhhllll u yf aahhhhsssscc t iiii s dd p eeee h llllkk e tttteeee t nnnn,hhhh p ed aa e wwtttteeee n o yyyynhhhh m aa f oooossssdd r eeee o tt y mmmmuuuu t , ccbbbbll ro hhuu y aaaassss f w aaaa u i mmiii o llllttttttcccc l llllee l au kkkkbbuuuuoooo s s ll r eeppppaaffff i ssss dtc t vviiiirryyyyrrrnnnn h a iiiiiioooo u ssggggss w kkkk e n uuuuuuiihhhh p ssssoo h pprrrrttttnn r s dddd r ppbbbb i tttt ie m l eeehhhh g aaooaaaa e eeee a eeeenn h ccccrr a pppptt dt kkkkd t nnnn l h eeeeww. l , eeeehh t rrrrWWWW ew hh o cccc h aaiiiikkkkeennnnhhhh f b vv ea rrrrnneeeeee a eeeetttt y t hhhhnnnn n ssssyy cc o eeeeeettttoo ehk yyyyyy u iiiiuuooooeessss c ssss r st eeeeuuuu k cccciiii ie aaaannnn n b hh r oollll l tttteeee e aa ek nn a tttt.aaaahhhhnnTTTT s tt sv c nnnnaaeeeehhhh t gg k id cc s aaaaeebbbbssss . i tt ie nnnn s ttttaaaa o yy W aaaawwkkkk e ccccoo in rrrrssssii n kkkk p ttttttuu h hh,ttttpppp e rr a ooootttt t e oooohhhhooss rnh n tttteesssseeeett d hhhh ie hhiiiiaa n tttteeeennnn y eeiiiitt s oooo h iieeee o t rrnnPPPP t nnnnss ah cccc u ggllll a kkkkuuuu v ww e aaaa r rrrrsssspp e l nnnneeeehh t ™™™™ s e ooddddssssii ep ll e a ssttttsssseettttii a yyyy y n o iiiitthhhhssssllssssii te eoo s eeeetttt . llll b aaeeee i iiiinn T ffff tc llllnn a mmmmttttuuuu. i eeee oho ii c mmmmnn,dddd na k n yyyyggbbbbffff nt , ooooooooaaaabb aa uuuu t k rrrrrrraa cn h wwww s ccccssssc td e aaaaaaauuuukk tw rrrrnnnn o pppp. t n ddddpppp hit e t oooo eh c h rrrr e tttt k lou r P e tmlh s ube t sar™ i s s r rr w eeaa h dd i , le wwaa le ttcc a hh n tt i ee n llee g vv b iiss a iioo c nn k. aanndd hhaavvee eeyyee ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh ootthheerrss wwhhiillee lleeaanniinngg bbaacckk. How to adjust the glide function HH T oo h ww e tt i oo nfi aa n dd it jj e uu l ss y tt v tt a hh r ee ia gg b ll l ii e dd g ee li ff d uu e nn f cc u tt n iioo ct nn ion is the Ttt H TttTt H Tttbbsbbbsbboooohhhhiihhhhaaaaeeeedd kobwc oo eeeeeeeerrrrttttee ue aaaa ne rrrrhhhh ww SSSS h eeeeiiiidddd ys eeeeoonnnntttt a llll ti jjjjrrrr h ssss c ffffffuuuu ht iiiieeee tt d iii,nnnnnnnee iho oo sssssss e wwww oj ddddaaiiiittttssss u tttteeee itn hhhhiiiicceeeellll S aa s vvvveeee sh ddddhhiiiillll s iiii t ccccssss dd yyyy tl dddd//// hhhhssss e ssaaaauuuuvvvv jj e ®®®® ee ic uu dddd d aaaaaaaaaaa ns aa a aaassssrrrr ss / rrrrllll sd ttiiiieeee a oooopppp t rrrraaaa tt l cceeee eid fffftttt e bbbbllll v aaaauu tt eeeeggggoooo d llll as hh i .ssddddeeeeuuuucccc ds TTTT p hh b aaaa ee llllggggjjjjaaaahhhh ® u ii t uuuutttt e oolllltttteeeeeeee ea gg iiiissss s iiinndddd l ddddooootttt dolo gggg ll .eeeennnn ii bbbb r uuuullll wf dd iiii je ffffyyyydddd au nnnnoooouuuu ee g eeee . ddddfffftttt as nnnnuuuu Tu eeeeeeee tn ccccffff ff rrrruuuuaaaarrrr uu h tttt l nnnn bd nnnn a iiiinnnnccccooooiiii e nn y eeeennnn t hhhhcccc b nnnn i aaaa cc ggggtttt gto iiiissss e ttttiiiioooo tt ul sssseeeehhhhtttt nt ii i hhhhnnnn r oo d aaaa w tttteeeeeee o hhhh n ttttcccc e nn iiiieeee e ttttooooaaaa fi hhhh nf nnnn e nnn e kkkk u eeee gn eeee a rrrr n yyyy tctchhhteiesohesnaaecntaadtnle, ssiidd H ee o ooff w eeaacc t hh o ssee p aatt la ccuu c sshh e iioo t nn h . e neckrest in tt Hi LaTsr Hi LaTsr Hi LaTsr Hi LaTsr nnnn ooeeeellllaaaahhhhssssuuuu s L ansrt gggg oooo yyyyeeeett oe iiiimmmm ls ssss a e uuuu l hhllll u wwww llllbbbb u nnnn g llll uuuu y llllee ct bbbb i aaaa m uuuu aaaa l eeee u ssss hkl eeee m tttt b uu tttt cccc u cccctttt mmmm iiii le rrrr rb rrrr oooo ooookkkkppkkkk a a aaaa se ffff,nnnnrrrr e rr u bbbb t uuuu b c tttt t eeeeiigggg pppp s eeee i gg rr nnnn k (((( po ssss eeee rrrr t dddd e tttt a hh llll cccciiiitttt , f hhhh aaaa r pppp n rrrr ct tt u tttt g ccccaaaa r i eeeeiiii cccc eag ooooss pppp aaaatttt n r ( nnnnhhhhee eeee tn PPPP dh nnnnnn p i dddd oooo c p h eeeeaallll t uuuu tn iiiinnnn a tttt o ssss ttpppp e ssssnnnn t i iissss hhhh s oooo noo nn iiii uuuu h eeee ™™™™ rrrr tttt s eP wwww eeee gglllleeee dwn iiii cccc e llll a oooo ssss i cccc l kkkkiiiipp u t bbbbyyyy p tttt nnnn i oooo t n rrrr nnnn bs ssssoo i eeee i eeee s ttttnnnn u eeee n e tttt o oooo e ssssss r™ eeeennnnllll l cccc ii c g wwwwttttaaaa el ttmmmmeeee n l ii k kkkk wwwwiiii ai aaaa cs oocccdddd pt )))) r rrrr i rrrr yo ttttiiiinn od tttt t dddd eeee eeee e rrrrwwwwhhhh sn iiii o ddddaassss s gggg s ssss t hhhh rn bbbb w ff i hhhh t e yyyy tttt i eeeetttttt tg ooooeeoooo e oootttt im w nnnn ao rr h ttttuuuubbbb c aaaahhhh r yyyy n y i . ) aaaa tt uuuu t d ooooo e hhhhcccc w h b tttt a uuuu s ukkkkaaaaoooo daf rr h b .nnnnmmmm y rrrr tc TTTT t eeeerrdddd e o eo ee o hhhhaaaa k ttttssss n uuuu r t u sstttteeee . h iiii a ttrrrrcccc yT.y .nnnn uTo h ohthu a ueoe n rmr d reea s ttsuitcr.n ttoo tthhee uupprriigghhtt sseeaattiinngg ppoossiittiioonn aafftteerr yyoouurr rreesstt. Hh Tatlaf Hh Tatla Hh Tatlaf Hh Tatlaeeeeeeoooohhhhvvvvnnnn eeee H h Tosnt nnnnee oooo aaaaeeeeddddaaaa ho ggggll iiii neh iiii wwww e dddd gggg lllltt e hhhhttttrrrr f o aaaa ce hhhhhhaaaaaaaa aa eeee hhhh i bbbb k aa n .iiiipppp tttt g w l iiii h ssssllll tttt b gggg lr GGGGtt oooo eeeetttt e eeee ---- eme h hhhhyy a rrrrtttt aaaa c ooooiiiihhhhooooo i tttt bbbb s t c pppp kg t ---- dddd o nnnneeeerrrruu t aaaa k o eeee r - h tttt d jjjj llllddd w aaaahhhhssssaaoooo e uuuu a nnnn tte oooojjjjlllleeeerrwwww b o uuuu s llll - ssss i eeee ee d ffff lat mmmm t ssssaaaannnneeee s tttt e ffff yh ttttss d aaaa j iiii u) rrrreeeeaaaaoooobbbb o ii tttt u tt j n cccc bm ttt bbbb bbb n ddddaaaa u tthhhh u kkkk ffff iillll o s eeeecccc llll t nn rrrr e s eeeeeeeerrrr ar eeee i kkkk oooo eeeellll t gg t tl ssss k hhhhnnnn f oh ssss a tttt)))) mmmm y a hhhh i cc e tttteeeeeeeoooo wb mmmm t o o h aaaaccccwwww eeee b s yyyy l mmkkkk u dddd na aaaa tttt e f aaaa iiiioooo i l rrrrtttt hhhh t kkkk n r eeeehhhhff e uuuurrrr f dddd bh ooeeeeeee p eeee e ssss d o rrrrbbbbrr o ssss e ssstttt eo rrrr ttoooo h s ttttooooaa m ad uuuuiiii eeee l wwww s tttt((((tttt a bbnnnn e dyt ssss nnnnhhhh s ppppnnnn n lltttt h oooo i yy tttt oooo a iiii rl hhhh b t llll d . e bbbb a tttt e ssssaaaayyyy h d l oooo nt ssss e oooo sr nnnniiiidddd yga e bbbb t r uuuudddd t yyyy oi llll t( e ssss o eeee shnue s a.oaGd t otrararepivlpostawittitlhhtaeieebnrlge ffee c ee o ll tt m hhaa f tt o yy r oo t uu ab aarr ly ee . ssiittttiinngg ccoommffoorrttaabbllyy. Adaptable comfort for your legs A T d h a e pt f a o b ot le st c o o o m l ti f l o ts rt an fo d r f y o o llo u w r l s e y g o s ur movements Tff A Tf A Tf A Tfooooohhhh f f ddd rorroreeee o o ttttt aaa rrhhhh r o ffffeeoooo ppp eeee t t ssoooo r h ttt ttpppptttt aaa e sssscc e eeee s bbb ttttaarrrroooo p ffff t nn lll eeeeoooo eee c ccccbbllll r a ttttttttee ccc f iiii n aaaallll e ooo ttttllnnnnoossss b c mmm ggggccaaaa t e llllkkeeeennnn a fff ee l . ooo dddd o n ddIIIIffff rrr ffff c g iiooooyyyy ttt nn k l oooollll e fff llll e ffoooouuuu ooo ll . aa d wwww I rrr wwwwtt f ssss i ppoooo yyy n yyyyoouuuu ooo oooo f llllss uuu l dddduuuii a ttrrrr rrr iipppp w t oommmmrrrr lll nn p eeee eee o oooo. o ffff ggg u eeeevvvv s rrrreeee sss l i d ttttmmmm t hhhh i p o eeeeeeennnn r n e tttt . ssss fer the ffoooottrreesstt ccaann bbee lloocckkeedd iinn ffllaatt ppoossiittiioonn. 8 8 88 _Ekornes_WelcomePack_Blue_Nov17_DL_V4.indd 8 _Ekornes_WelcomePack_Blue_Nov17_DL_V4.indd 8 _Ekornes_WelcomePack_Blue_Nov17_DL_V4.indd 8 06/03/2018 11:49 06/03/2018 11:49 06/03/2018 11:49
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